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Course Details

This Regulated Qualification is ideal for anyone wishing to become a first aider. It covers a wider range of subjects than that covered by the Emergency First Aid at Work qualification. It provides learners with the skills and knowledge to deal with first aid situations in higher risk workplaces or workplaces with an increased number of employees. Produced in aid of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (NI) 1982 purposes.
As this is a Regulated Qualification, an Employer who obtains training from our Approved Centre is not required to carry out any due diligence on the training provider to ensure the suitability of the training.

  Construction and Building
  Forestry (see also our FAW Forestry course)
  High risk businesses
  Outdoor Pursuits and Exploring
  Any workplace where a higher level of training is required
  Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider
  Be able to assess an incident
  Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally
  Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally
  Be able to recognise and assist a casualty who is choking
  Be able to manage a casualty with external bleeding
  Be able to manage a casualty who is in shock
  Be able to manage a casualty with a minor in jury
  Be able to conduct a secondary survey
  Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with injuries to bones, muscles, and joints
  Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with suspected head and spinal injuries
  Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with suspected chest injuries
  Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with burns and scalds
  Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with an eye injury
  Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with sudden poisoning
  Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with anaphylaxis
  Be able to provide First Aid to a casualty with suspected major illness
  Administer first aid to a casualty suffering from major illnesses including - Heart attack – Stroke – Epilepsy – Asthma – Diabetes